Prosciutto crudo Dolce Sapore
Il Prosciutto Crudo Dolce Sapore is obtained by processing fresh pork legs coming only from European slaughterhouses, certified and accredited in our supplier list. It gets its name for its organoleptic characteristic that distinguishes it for a lesser sapidity and a marked sweetness, obtained with a prolonged seasoning.
Senza uova – Senza latticini – Senza glutine

For lovers of tradition, who appreciate enjoying a slice of raw manually cut and enhance the scent of the product, this has always been the best choice.
For activities such as restaurants, hotels, sandwiches and the Piadinerie, which need to combine quantity, comfort and practicality, the whole raw ham already boned vacuum packed, which guarantees a prolonged shelf life, is the preferred choice. The product is pressed into molds that give it a precise shape that is reflected in the slices.
Decoration de-boned raw ham is characterised by a de-boning process in which the bone is removed laterally so that there are no frontal cuts. Packaged in a rounded shape thanks to plastic strapping, it allows to obtain large and round slices when cut, perfect for the best gastronomies.